Century Properties values your peace of mind. To this end we strive to conduct ourselves in a thoroughly transparent and open manner, especially when it comes to key details that support the validity of our projects. 
You have invested in us; we treat that investment with the utmost respect.
In light of this, the following are our License-To- Sell (LTS), Certificate of Registration (CR) and Temporary License- to -Sell (TLTS)  numbers issued by the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) for our current projects. You may check and verify these numbers on the HLURB website or at their office to authenticate our developments.

PROJECT                               LICENSE TO SELL          CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION

LTS# 18715
LTS# 20226
LTS# 25038
LTS# 22489
LTS# 24077
LTS# 24076
TLTS ENCRFO 10-12-029
LTS# 26132
LTS# 25631
TLTS ENCRFO 11-10-028
TLTS ENCRFO 12-09-049
TLTS ENCRFO 11-09-021
LTS# 25672

Certificate of Registration# 20095
Certificate of Registration# 20095
Certificate of Registration# 22953
Certificate of Registration# 21308
LTS# 2230
LTS# 2230
TLTS ENCRFO 10-12-029
TLTS ENCRFO 11-07-016
Certificate of Registration# 23959
TLTS ENCRFO 11-10-028
TLTS ENCRFO 12-09-049
TLTS ENCRFO 11-09-021
Certificate of Registration# 23994

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